Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Three times a year in my wee town of Uguisuzawa there are bonsai exhibitions hosting local trees. With so many old people living in Japan I guess it makes a popular hobby. I had always thought bonsai to be cool and even received one as a Christmas present from our Dave a couple of years ago. But last spring, when I saw the bonsai trees in full bloom, I was blown away. I had never imagined bonsai trees with flowers, let alone berries. And now it's autumn so theres even trees growing (rather small) fruit. Here's a few snaps I took on Sunday.
Leaning bonsai.
This baby is only ten years old.
A Japanese Maple in full autumn colours.Standing next to my favourite. It's over 120 years old.
They come in all shapes and shades. More autumn colours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you not forgotten yopu attempted bonsi.. at one stage it had 2 leaves on it!! Yea i left it with darren on lois to look after lol.. shes doing well now honest...