Thursday, August 16, 2012


Woke up to another day's sunshine. Apparently Switzerland only gets this about three weeks a year. Lucky me. Carol had already prepared breakfast. I feel like a king. I've never had this kind of trip before. It's always been hostels, dorm beds, and coffee and toast in the past.
We cycled about an hour through Carol's village; Oberentfelden and to another area where there was a river. At the river there were lot's of people relaxing with beer and picnics while intermittently jumping off the bridge for a quick dip to cool down. The river is quite long and flows strongly, so most people, after jumping, grab the ahold of the next bridge as they are pulled past it then scramble up the bank. I'd never done this type of thing before and it was quite exciting. Carol and I floated down the river after my show-off almost somersault. We didn't have any blow-up rings or airbeds like some where using, but it wasn't hard to stay afloat. We cruised right down abot one kilometer to the third bridge and clambered out there. It was really terrific. Both exciting and relaxing at the same time.
After walking back to our spot we had a picnic and chatted to the Swiss students enjoying their vacation. And then we chatted to the middle-aged migrant workers near us who were enjoying the sun. And then a couple more jumps and an attempted backflip/backflop.

In my time in Switzerland I'd noticed something distinctly attractive about the houses here. It wasn't just the shape and style and lovely gardens accompanying them. It was something else that I couldn't put my finger on. Finally today, cycling home after swimming in the river I realized what it was. There are no overhead electricity cables. The only place where they are visible is along the tram line. And wow, what a difference it makes. Though Carol says it's quite costly to use all underground electricity, especially when there are problems in winter, and sometimes residents here complain about it or want to use a different system.

Cycling along the river.

A beautiful river.

Beer on the river - essential carbs for cycling and swimming.

A back flip/flop. I should have been the olympics.

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