Friday, August 24, 2012


Up at 8 today. Feeling pretty rough from last night's beers and whatever else went in to my belly. Didn't sleep too well last night so went downstairs to the cafe, which is part of the hostel, for breakfast. Just managed a coffee though. I drove to DD's and then Carol and I parted ways. She's off to Iceland for a horseriding holiday before returning to Madrid for work. I'll miss her. She was a great host in Switzerland and a good travel partner.
Had pre-lunch beers and that helped me feel better. Then DD took me on a 4hr hike into the mountains overlooking Innsbruck. That didn't make me feel better. We didn't reach our goal on the hike. I think we were both in a bit of a mess and stopped at every chance to stick our faces in the cold mountain stream.
However, we did make to a cool mountain hut. There we stopped for sandwiches and beer. DD had made sandwiches and the hut was stocked with beers, but unmanned. There was a sign saying to leave money on the table for any beers drank. 2 euros per large bottle. I love the trust in this country. It was the same in Innsbruck with the newspapers. Just leave money and take one.
"I've only ten euros" said DD, "we have to drink five beers". "Ok", I said.
But thankfully, the hut owners came before we got drunk because one of us would've definitely rolled down that steep mountain if we'd drank any more. Actually, I'm not sure if they were the owners or just workers of that hut. But they were perhaps the coolest couple I have ever seen. An ancient man and an ancient woman, both with deep lines carved in their well-sunned faces. They looked like they could maybe be just a little crazy and were dressed in bizarre, colourful, but faded clothes from another time. The man, carried new crates of beer from his van to the hut and turned down DD's offer of help despite them looking so heavy. And the woman took to preparing some food inside the hut.
DD and the old man had a conversation. I don't know what they talked about, but it was obvious, and strange, that DD gave this man a lot of respect and even seemed a little in awe. DD said they are typical mountain people. Their life isn't easy, but they are very happy. I really wished I could speak some German and talk to the old man.
Later, at home, Froni cooked a vegetable and fish stirfry and we sat at home with beers discussing child-raising strategies. DD has invited me to stay as long as I want. That's pretty awesome of him and of Froni. I would've thought most pregnant wives wouldn't want their husbands old party-friends crashing with them. So I'll stay a few days.

Beer at the hut. No photos of me or DD. We looked terrible.

Austrian weather changes in a second on the mountain. A storm started just after we reached home.
Lovely dinner with a lovely couple - DD and Froni.

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