Thursday, August 30, 2012


Today was awesome! I felt much better physically and mentally despite last night's boozing. Got up early and Jana gave me more detailed directions to the mountain before she went to work. I geared up, ate a healthy vegatarian breakfast and caught the bus out to the mountain. It was a short, but steep hike up the the church at the summit. Perfect weather - sunny and dry. Over breakfast I had googled "how to be a better person" and read a few articles about this. So I had plenty to keep my mind busy on the hike up through the forest. I really want to be a better person and one of the suggestions I found is to list the people you admire and respect. Then find the qualities int those people that you want to have and then and start adding them into your life/self one by one. Sounds pretty simple, right? I'm sure it's not, but I'll try.
The views from the top of the mountain were nice, but not spectacular as it was only 600 metres. Ljubljana doesn't have many sky scrapers. It's not just because of the low population, about 2 million, but also because the ground here is very wet. Ive been told that if you dig down just a few meters you can find water. So there are limitations on the size/weight of buildings that can be constructed here.
There was a small basic restaurant on the summit where I bought some soup and sat outside to eat it and think more about becoming a better person. The lady that served the soup gave me a discount which was nice since I didn't even ask - I just showed surprise at the 5 euro price on the vegetarian soup. She said it's because they use some special organic vegetable from nearby mountains. Anyway, she only charged me 3.50 - the same price as the non-vegetarian soups and stews that I was hungrily considering. Oh, I failed to mention that I'm going veggy for a few days while spending time with Jana. Why not?
I then lay in the sun for a while as there are lots of sun-loungers up there for anyone to use. There were many people coming and going - dog-walkers, hikers, runners, people hiking with babies, and women walking together. I felt really happy and comfortable up there and it's definitely somewhere I would hike to regularly for lunch and a nice view if I lived nearby.
I caught the bus home, did some picnic shopping with Jana for tomorrow's hike. Then we visited her brother and his wife and their new baby. They are a real cool couple. He seems big into his hiking, rock-climbing and alternative music festivals. His wife also seems really cool and sociable. They were very welcoming and introduced me to western and eastern Slovenian wines. Did you know Slovenia made wine? I didn't.
Jana's brother, Borut, was a fountain of information about his country and all things hiking related so it was great to pick his brain. The more Europeans I meet on this trip, the more I envy their lifestyle. These people really seem to know how to enjoy life. From coffee and wine to festivals and travel, none of them seem to be caught up in the rat race like in other places. Wow, Europe.

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