Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hey blog readers. Or should I say 'Hey Mom'? :)
It's been a while, I'm sorry. Just one of those non-blogging phases I guess.

Anyway, here's an update on what's happening in my life, and a promise to blog more frequently this autumn.
-My first year in Korea has ended and I've started the six month extension of my contract. I still like my job and students a lot, so I feel I've made the right decision.
-My little brother and best friend from Japan, Ryuta, just visited Korea for an adventure and liver-damage holiday to Jeju Island (I'll put photos up later).
-I'm feeling positive and excited about my future. My thirtieth birthday is next year and as I always said, I will end this lifestyle then (see blog motto). So I'm thinking and planning what job to do and where to do it.
-I'm feeling pretty healthy. Despite being plagued this summer with acute bronchitis, and busted hand, and more recently gastritis, I feel good. And I've just bought a new JUICER to ensure I'm healthy and loaded up on fruit and veg all winter.
-I've just come out of a bad relationship. It was long and painful and my heart got broken. But I'm glad it's over as I can now go back to loving myself and also focus clearly on what I want next in my life.
-I'm finally reading lots of books again. I forgot how fun and beneficial reading could be. My bro brought me six books from home I'd ordered (cuz they're so expensive out here) including one on how to write poetry. So there might even be a few poems coming your way.
-My boss has asked me to work overtime this month and next. It's not confirmed, butI have agreed. It'll be tiring, but good to have a few more pennies in the back when I leave here in May.

Yeah, that's it I think. So stay posted and leave a comment once in a while to keep me motivated to write~


EunsilSong said...

It seems there have been lots of things happened, contract thing, your brother's visit, your friend's visit...

Whenever I visit your blog, I wish I could write like you. fun :)

Mark Barr said...

Hey Eunshil,

Thanks a lot for the nice comment :)

I'm sure you can write just as well ;)