Having never cooked for twenty people before and having never cooked my 'famous' Irish Stew' before ensured my friday night was wholely devoted to peeling potatoes and wondering why in God's name there was no beef stock anywhere in Japan. But it all worked out well and with my new secret ingredient of Guinness (don't tell anyone) I was confident of a crowd-pleaser. On arrival I dished out the stew and soon after introduced everyone to our traditional medicinal drink 'hot whiskeys'. Surprisingly both the stew and whiskeys went down a treat and a few people even asked for seconds.

After a bit of boozing at my place we all dandered over to my little Mama-sans pub. I'd love to talk in detail about the fun we had singing karaoke and mixing with the locals, but to be honest it's all a little blurry. But it was great craic and a St Paddys I'll always remember. Well, at least parts of it.
Dishing out the stew.

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