"Monkey", I'd say.
And "Monkey", they'd reply in unison.
'Oishi?' - (delicious), I'd ask.
And 'No!!', they'd scream out.
This is always good for a laugh and gets the energy up. And I can catch the little rascals out sometimes because they automatically shout 'no' when they see the pig. Until I remind them of their pork lunch that is.

However, this week I was using some different flashcards and was very surprised when I got to whale. The majority of the class called out yes. And despite my protests of 'Oishikunai' - (not delicious), they grew adamantly louder. Although I knew whale was a fairly common food here, I never believed my little angels would be eating it, much less enjoying it. Following further questioning all of the kids in that class have eaten, and very much like, whale. I guess it must be good, but I've no wish to find out.
In the same set of cards there is a dolphin. And I breathed a sigh of relief when they all replied 'No', since this is another 'food' I've had to politely refuse in Japan.
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