Monday, October 15, 2012


Sungshin was up at the crack of dawn to go back to her village and take care of the kids. I slept much longer enjoying having a nice, clean room and bathroom all to myself. I met up with Aussie Ricky and Jack in the afternoon. Ricky had just had his card frauded in Prague, seemingly when using an ATM. Those two were parting ways after almost four months traveling together - Ricky to go home and Jack to continue his European travels. How they managed to travel together for four months, I'll never know. I could just about travel one month with close friends, and even that would be an exercise in patience. And Jack can't be easy to travel with - a fun and outgoing guy for sure, but very opinionated, outspoken and perhaps a little racist. But I guess Rick's very chilled personality and positive outlook on life made things easier to bear. The plan is for the three of us to drive together to Frankfurt tomorrow, where Jack will go his own way. Then Jack will meet up with a girl he likes and Rick and I will drive on to Paris.I'm looking forward to getting to know Rick better as he was a great drinking buddy and solid guy back in Budapest.
Rick came with me for a look around the city and to buy some present for my friend in Paris. The old part of Munich is very pretty and full of tourists. And this evening Sungshin brought us all to another famous restaurant for traditional food. The boys wanted to go out and party afterwards, but Sungshin was tired from the early rises and traveling so she and I stayed in with a few beers.



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