Thursday, October 11, 2012


Surprisingly not too hungover today. I got up pretty early and enjoyed lounging outside the common room with coffee. It's a nice spot and a nice hostel to socialise with the hostel staff and other guests. The ground floor is a bar where many of the backpackers hang out and which is also open to the public. And the first floor is where the dorm rooms are. But the ground floor bar is open air so the first floor has a balcony running the whole way around and it's a cool place to spend time.
When Karol got up, we started today just like yesterday - beers at the hostel bar with the Aussie lads and other new friends we had made last night.
I had talked Aussie James into coming up to Budapest when he was finished in Belgrade. He was supposed to go to Greece to see his sister, but flights were too pricey. And I knew he and Karol would get along like a house on fire. I wasn't sure if James would actually make it or not as he, like me, seems to follow the wind. So I was stoked to see him downstairs in the bar after my early evening nap.
Retox, our hostel, is part of a group of four hostels known collectively as the Budapest Party Hostels. Every evening they organise alcohol-fueled events and frequently bring the guests of all four hostels together. Unfortunately tonights theme as Anything But Clothes (ABC), which means you should dress something other than clothes. Lampshades, newspapers, sleeping bags, sheets, cardboard and other materials were utilised by the creative guests. But Karol, James and I opted to not bother, figuring it was an easy way to get picked up by the police staggering home alone later in the nude following clothes disintegration. We did however visit the venue for the party for one drink. But there was a lot of boy bum on show and a funky, thick, pheromone funk in the air at the underground bar, so we quickly departed to find our our party. And find it we did. Budapest is great. There are lots of funky bars and friendly locals and cool clubs. The only downside is the horrible local alcohol, which I've forgotten the name of. It is horrible and horribly strong. And the horribly hospitable locals insisted on buying us some shots of this toxic, vomit-inducing black stuff, which makes Absinthe look like shandy. We staggered from bar to bar finding great places with little boats for tables and open air clubs jam-packed with students returning for the start of semester. Another great night with the boys in this hedonistic city.

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