Friday, October 12, 2012


Couldn't sleep until about six this morning. I went to bed before one, but had the sweats and felt a little delirious. Karol was the same for a few hours, I guess the Absinthe, Jaegermeister and other crazy drinks we've been hammering recently caught up to us.
Spent the afternoon at the lake. The water was too shallow to swim, but it was a beautiful place and there were big swans swimming as people walked around at ankle depth even as far as 100 metres out. The feel of the place was quite tranquil, but bordering on dead probably because it is end of season.
We had Hungarian food for lunch at a nearby restaurant and washed it down with a few beers. And in the evening Dan and Storm arrived just as Karol and I were hammering cold cans of beer and trying to find me a flight home. Sometimes traveling like this, with no plan, can be a bit complicated. I don't know where I'll fly home from. Ideally Prague, but I'm also considering going back to Munich to see Sungshin again. Karol also reminded me that Ricky and Jack, Aussies we had partied with in Budapest, are driving across Europe. So I sent Ricky a message and he said there's room in his car and I could ride with them as far as London if I want. That's an option for sure and I could meet up with them on Monday in Prague and go from there.
Tonight everyone from the "mansion" went out together. We caught the last train to the next town to sample the nightlife. It was pretty dead. The only place with any life was a huge karaoke bar which opened onto the street. We all piled in there to accompany the only other three people - local lads that sing even worse than me. Beers, whiskey and bad singing and then we all taxied it back to the mansion for more beers and drinking games. Another five a.m. bedtime that somehow managed to feel like a quiet night.

The lake - swans and shallow water.

Afternoon beers with my best buddy in the whole world.

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