In a dramatic cry for attention I got all my long girly hair cut off on saturday. After hiding my generously large ears for two years I was a little worried about the reactions of my co-workers and students. But I needn't have feared.
Arriving at elementary school yesterday a few kids timidly approched me asking 'Mark sensei desu ka?' - are you Mark teacher. Reassuring them brought chukles and compliments of 'kako-ii', which means cool ( I think). Walking into the staffroom I almost had a heart attack. The teachers, most of whom are always super shy and reserved with me, all burst into a loud round of applause. I don't know whether they were cheering my new hairstyle or the departure of my old one, but I took their applause with a smile and a red face.
Arriving at elementary school yesterday a few kids timidly approched me asking 'Mark sensei desu ka?' - are you Mark teacher. Reassuring them brought chukles and compliments of 'kako-ii', which means cool ( I think). Walking into the staffroom I almost had a heart attack. The teachers, most of whom are always super shy and reserved with me, all burst into a loud round of applause. I don't know whether they were cheering my new hairstyle or the departure of my old one, but I took their applause with a smile and a red face.
hey mark, finally!much much better!:)
Im glad you kept the bee gees beard tho. It looks mint.
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