Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Yesterday classes officially began. Our first topic was the Paeleo (paeleolithic) Diet, also known as the Caveman Diet. After an introduction, our teacher sent us to get info in the library in journals and on google. We then came back to debate and discuss the pros and cons of the diet and it's possible effects on chronic disease and the reality of changing over to this diet and maintaining it long term. Fascinating stuff!

Today we were learning about the food service industry. After an introduction to the history of FSI we were giving a list of things like urbanization, single-person households, economic recession, etc and asked, in small groups, how they affect growth in the FSI. Really interesting stuff to think about and discuss.

Then we moved from uni to a cooking college. We first had a lecture on the pros, cons and types of processed foods. Again the class was very interactive with lots of time for us to comment, ask questions and discuss. We learned information which should really be something everyone is taught like how milk is pasturised, what homogenization is, how freezing alters food, and other cool things. After that, we spent about an hour cooking, then sampled all the dishes and discussed the differences. Brilliant!

I'm so glad to learning stuff that I am really interested in. The classes are engaging and interactive, and for the most part very interesting. It's so much different to my first degree in Biology where over 100 of us would sit in a lecture hall yawning our way through a microbiology class and have no exchange with the teacher whatsoever.

So far so good :)

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