Friday, September 28, 2012


Up at six this morning to catch bus to Sarajevo, Bosnia. Didn't sleep great last night and sweated a lot. Perhaps because it was the only day I didn't drink on this trip so far. I did however sleep and doze until midday on the bus. What scenery I saw from the window was of a beautiful and mountainous Bosnia. The trip took about seven hours. The bus driver gave me two Bosnian marks as change when I paid for my rucksack to be stowed. I used these to buy chocolate and crisps to have with my nuts and dried fruit for lunch. It was nice, but then I read in the guidebook there are no money changers at the station and it seems like a couple of kilometres into town from the station. Oops!
To be honest, this trip has been very easy so far and most cultures and peoples seeming similar to my own. Here in Bosnia is the first time I've felt out of my comfort zone. Going further east the people look and seem a bit different.
Arriving in Sarajevo felt great despite my long walk from the station. Every time a tram passed me, I damned those delicious crisps and chocolate I enjoyed on the bus.
I found a great family-run hostel near the old town with a big common room like a grandmothers living room. I fancied an evening alone checking out pretty, little Sarajevo. But an Irish guy in the dorm room asked if he could join me for dinner. I said "Aye", and he turned out to be an interesting and well-informed guy; a journalist actually, working in London and he knew good restaurants, teahouses and bars in the old town. We bumped into two English girls who were sharing our dorm and invited them to join us. They did and we all explored the city together and shared stories about our trips so far. Not a bad evening.
Local coffee house with my roommates.

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