If you do yoga or meditate or get tortured sometimes then you'll know what a 'happy place' is. It's a place you invent in your head. It doesn't have to be real. It's just somewhere that you feel very comfortable, safe and relaxed. And of course it's usually somewhere beautiful in nature.
Well for years my happy place has been behind a waterfall. I had never been to anywhere that resembled my mental happy place. I had just made it up from snippets of movies, things I'd read and my own imagination.
But, unbelievably, two days into our Rinjani hike I visited somewhere even better than my happy place. When we arrived at the crater lake of the volcano I told the lads I fancied a swim. But before we had a chance to jump in, one of the porters beckoned us to follow him.
About a twenty minute hike later we came across some natural,but mediocre undeveloped hot springs with a handful of other hikers sitting, looking at them or dipping their feet in.
"Not here", said the porter, "walk more", and he pointed further down a slope. We followed him and as we rounded a corner we could see a beautiful, green, steaming, hot waterfall. Lovely mossy rocks lined a natural bath at the base of the little waterfall. And just a handful of other bathers serenely basked in the perfect warm water. Following two days sweaty, dusty hiking and a night's cold camping, we were in dire need of any form of bath, so this was like heaven to us.
We all had big smiles as we scrambled over the slippy rocks into the liquid paradise in nothing but our underwear and layer of dirt/sweat. I'll always remember that feeling of being surrounded by warmth in a place of true beauty.
After bathing a while, I spotted a little cave behind the flowing water of the waterfall. Although it seemed a little dangerous because the rocks were slippy and water blocked visibility, I decided to try to climb up and into the cave in pursuit of a real happy place.
Wow! It was even better than I'd imagined. Once I got inside, I was wet and would have got cold quickly, but for the warmth of the water and rocks. It was also much more comfortable than I imagined because moss lined the rocks on which I was sitting. And because the waterfall was not too heavy or big, I could still see the view well and wasn't deafened by the roar of water. AND the view through the water was down to a deep, lush valley with not a single sign of development or even a hiking path to be seen. I wished I had a waterproof camera to capture that image. It was so much better than the happy place I'd been imagining for years. Added to the fact that this was a real place, with hardly anyone there and needing a two day tough hike to reach it, I was totally elated to be there.
I wish I had taken better pictures to capture the place, but I guess I was too busy enjoying it.
Well for years my happy place has been behind a waterfall. I had never been to anywhere that resembled my mental happy place. I had just made it up from snippets of movies, things I'd read and my own imagination.
But, unbelievably, two days into our Rinjani hike I visited somewhere even better than my happy place. When we arrived at the crater lake of the volcano I told the lads I fancied a swim. But before we had a chance to jump in, one of the porters beckoned us to follow him.
About a twenty minute hike later we came across some natural,but mediocre undeveloped hot springs with a handful of other hikers sitting, looking at them or dipping their feet in.
"Not here", said the porter, "walk more", and he pointed further down a slope. We followed him and as we rounded a corner we could see a beautiful, green, steaming, hot waterfall. Lovely mossy rocks lined a natural bath at the base of the little waterfall. And just a handful of other bathers serenely basked in the perfect warm water. Following two days sweaty, dusty hiking and a night's cold camping, we were in dire need of any form of bath, so this was like heaven to us.
We all had big smiles as we scrambled over the slippy rocks into the liquid paradise in nothing but our underwear and layer of dirt/sweat. I'll always remember that feeling of being surrounded by warmth in a place of true beauty.
After bathing a while, I spotted a little cave behind the flowing water of the waterfall. Although it seemed a little dangerous because the rocks were slippy and water blocked visibility, I decided to try to climb up and into the cave in pursuit of a real happy place.
Wow! It was even better than I'd imagined. Once I got inside, I was wet and would have got cold quickly, but for the warmth of the water and rocks. It was also much more comfortable than I imagined because moss lined the rocks on which I was sitting. And because the waterfall was not too heavy or big, I could still see the view well and wasn't deafened by the roar of water. AND the view through the water was down to a deep, lush valley with not a single sign of development or even a hiking path to be seen. I wished I had a waterproof camera to capture that image. It was so much better than the happy place I'd been imagining for years. Added to the fact that this was a real place, with hardly anyone there and needing a two day tough hike to reach it, I was totally elated to be there.
I wish I had taken better pictures to capture the place, but I guess I was too busy enjoying it.

All's missing are the sirens and i'm there llf
Hmm..took a hot n long bath here!! kk perfect place:D
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