Tuesday, August 04, 2009


When Tyler and I were in Sokcho, our awesome hostel manager recommended an awesome restaurant for dinner. It was a Korean BBQ style buffet five minutes from our hostel. And it was awesome. Basically all the pork, beef, chicken, fish, octopus and salad you could eat with no time limit (though it does close at midnight apparently). The price was 7000won (about 3pounds50) and the quality was great. We really couldn't believe it. Beer was normal price and no pressure to buy any, or anything extra for that matter. And there was even ice cream (in 3 different flavours!) included for desert.
We went there three nights in a row, stuffed out faces with meat, and rode back to Seoul on the fourth day, bellies jiggling and glad we didn't live within an hour of that place because we'd definitely both be obese within a year.

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