Today I checked out the famous antiques fair in San Telmo. A few other backpackers and myself went for a sunday walk to check out the street tango and live music everywhere. The atmosphere was great with tonnes of different things happening. But the highlight had to be this big burly man holding up a sign saying 'free hugs' in Spanish. Just as I was asking what the sign said, the girl I was asking ran over and took a hug.
We watched him for about two minutes and were amazed at the number of people making the most of his offer, both men and women. After a lot of harasement by my Mexican and Dubliner companions I also went over for a hug. He whispered in my here (in Spanish) 'Good luck, have a good trip, thank you.' I would love to say I felt great afterwards, reenergised and full of love, but to be honest I just a little quesey at hugging a strange man.
glad you had to go to south america to get a hug when you turned down your dads advances o.k. sweet heart lots of love and remember the big fat men when you come home love dadxxxxxxxxxx
well mark looks like things are going well ,hope that you have a safe and wonderfull trip i got a e-mail from taka he is very funny he let on that he had not got a dvd player to play michael flatleys dance but the way he writes is cool like see youmybe soon marks father joking about the dvd any way look forward to hearing from you tomorrow night mum and dad
even when you were writing this you knew what the responses would amount to, but you wrote it anyway!sometimes fact is stranger than fiction.
You won five continents.I'm happy that you got your wish.
I'm looking forward to reading your blog.
Have a nice trip.
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