Arrived super early in Xi'an this morning, about 5. Taxied it to the hostel with David. Checked into the wettest, most humid room I’ve ever been in and slept for a couple of hours. Hostel seems cool and half the price of Shanghai.
Queued up in the street at the ‘ticket office’ to get our tickets. I'm heading north and David west. No sleepers left, so both stuck with soft seats.
Then went to see the Terracotta Warriors.
We checked out the warriors together. Was good craic and Brad was good for a laugh, but the warriors themselves were less than impressive.
Headed back together and had a beer in a park.
Then Dave and me headed back to the hostel for a siesta.
Met a cool Israeli/American journalist and had dinner with him. He’d been in China only a month or two and his Chinese was awesome.
Had some lamb kebabs and Indian type bread down at the market with a bunch of cheap beers and then played drunken pool in another hostel.
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uhh...durka durk.
No thanks.
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