Thursday, February 08, 2007


I wanted to do something different on my recent trip. So instead of taking a bus or plane from Vietnam to Cambodia, I took a slow boat up the Mekong River. This has been one of my most enjoyable journeys to date. Of course travelling in Veitnam and (especially) Cambodia has it's problems and obstacles. Poorly organised travel, dangerous vehicles and shady border crossings all require a bit of patience and the right frame of mind. But regardless of this, spending two days travelling up this busy artery and into the heart of Cambodia really was a pleasure. It felt like an insight into how these people live away from the tourists. Where the water is their life and their life is on the water.
Housing along the busy part of the Mekong
Housing along the quiet part of the Mekong A typical bridge. This pregnant woman laughs at the crazy foreigners.
Dumb tourist.

A farmer drags his livestock down for a cool bath.
All the kids waved and shouted hello.
There's no retirement age out here.

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